The ripple of effect of obeying as a believer is something that the believer needs to be aware of.
Likee the law of cause and effect a believers obedience affects those around him whether directly or indirectly.
And in this blog article we will see what the ripple effect of obeying does to the believer.
The ripple effect of our obedience not only changes the life of people around but helps the believer.
To daily live by its dictates and summon because it ripples over and flow into the lives
of many others.
Furthermore, in a world where it is common to see doubt and unbelief, where obedience is seen as a matter of choice,
a believer’s loyalty to his beliefs acts as a source of inspiration and hope.
One that wise men use and the heavens beseech as the ripple effect of obeying unveils.
How Obedience Affects The Believer
Evidently, mind-blowing things is always happening when a believer obeys God; it is like a breath of
fresh air on hot night and a release of life on a sunny Sunday.
A few years ago, I taught in a primary and I was quite the good and intelligent teacher. It a new session and I got assigned these wonderful kids.
I was very much in the moon, I wanted to display my spectacular teaching prowess to them and for all to see.
But one the days during my night watch the Holy Ghost whispered two instructions quietly to me, I almost mistook it as the faint voice of my mind.
But then as I was about to drop my head on the bed, thankful to the Holy Ghost that slumber was
defeated yet again I heard the faint voice again and like young Samuel I brought my ears closer.
Additionally, one of the instructions was that I must always be the first to arrive in my class to pray at least ten to
fifteen to round my class like they did for the wall of Jericho for one month.
The instructions looked easy so, I started with much zeal and enthusiasm because I could sense an impending victory looming.
After some time, I realized that my kids would join me in praying even though they didn’t know what I
was praying about,
from there those that come early informed others and before I knew it boom half of
the class started coming early to join me.
The ripple effect of obeying was undeniable, along the line I released that it takes a measure of energy to start something and finish it well.
Because there were times that legitimate excuses came knocking at my door but then I endured till the end.
That was how revival found its way in my class, the whole kids were baptized in the Holy Ghost, Bible study,
reading of spiritual books and all that.
Instances Of Ripple Effect
For instance, at some point I was the one literally trying to hold them back as even after school.
I realised then they stand behind to just take a dose of pray in tongues for about five to seven minutes.
I mean these were kids from wealthy homes, that has never been stressed a day in their life fasting,
praying, and working in the gift of the Spirit.
Even as the session rounded up, they all went to their new classes with fire on their lips and swords in their hands,
teaching, leading to Christ and baptizing their new seat mates in the Holy Ghost, the ripple effect of my obeying was evident.
As I looked at them an exceeding joy that knew no bounds flooded my heart, I felt in its reality what
heaven means that there is joy in heaven for a soul that repents,
I pondered as I wondered on this ripple of effect of obedience and I found out that every prompt obedience to instructions adds a star to a man’s crown.
In His almightiness, even God takes great delight in the fact that His children are doers as well as
There are moments when it seems as though a thoughtless choice will affect our lives and fate in ways you could never have predicted, for better or worse.
Nothing gives Him pleasure without measure as He savours the flavour of obedience borne on the
shoulders of the cross as death.
He reaps His harvest as sickle in His hands He gathers until His garner is full.
A believer’s heart initiates the first wave of obedience when they fully surrender to God’s divine will.
A sense of direction and purpose fills the believer’s soul at this very moment, laying the groundwork for a
life of meaningful service and unselfish commitment.
Those who see the faithful display prompt obedience impact the lives of others, as the ripple effect of obeying spreads farther
“These people’s deeds demonstrate the transformation of faith.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to spiritual development, the impact of a believer’s obedience is comparable to a drop of
water making a ripple in a still pond.
Also, no matter how tiny, each act of obedience has a cascading effect that touches others’ lives and eventually changes the environment in which they live.
Beyond the believer’s immediate surroundings, this transforming power permeates far beyond their
grasp and leaves a lasting impression on nations roundabout.
The obeying believer shows others that faith and tenacity can overcome hardship and encourage them to face their problems head-on and turn to God for comfort.
Finally, the impact of a believer’s obedience serves as a potent reminder that all of our actions, no matter how
It has the capacity to significantly alter the course of history including our history as the ripple effect of obeying will always linger.
Time marches on into eternity, and as we make an effort to be obedient servants of God, we actively
contribute to the development of a better,
more compassionate world, one ripple at a time until the effect of our complete obedience finds expression in time and ripples into eternity.
“Obedience to instructions is measured by one’s promptness to obey#. Apostle Edu Udechukwu“
You can read the article Not frustrating the Grace of God
Prayer Prompt
Thank you Lord for salvation through the gift of your son, we thank you for the ripple effect of His birth, death and resurrection still resonates both in time and eternity.
Help us to never loose sight of what the cross accomplish for us as we give ourselves daily to the cross.
1 Comment
Truly I have also had experiences of when I obeyed and the consequent effect of my obedience went beyond me to positively affect my family. Prompt obedience is very important.