The eloquent voice of a godly character cannot be overemphasized, there’s a force that goes beyond the skill of speech in a world where we can’t help forgetting in a bid to impress as deeds obviously seem to lose their meaning.
Picture of teenagers gathering to study the Bible
Thats why the eloquence of a godly character remains an aspect that must be in the fabrics of ever true believer. This article explains the resultant effect of eloquent voice of godly character.
In the quietest of moments, we discern the eloquent voice of a holy character resonating through the most expressive tongues. We unmistakably recognise it’s innate virtue and purity as it’s echo reaches our ears.
It is this voice that genuinely speaks to the soul, drawing attention, gaining respect, and leaving a lasting impression on people’s hearts.
A holy character achieves eloquence when it pursues pure goals and performs genuine authentic acts. It does not achieve eloquence by merely mastering a language that sweetly implores or seeks to control.
This voice, despite its frequent gentleness and softness, is laden with mercy and wisdom with godly poise and beauty following it.
It eaks the truth, even when it is loathed or hard to hear. Often, it appears to be an unappealing voice, but its influence lasts over time and into eternity.
People gathered together in a godly meeting
n the journey of interfacing with godly character so that its effects will be calcified in our heart some are quick to embrace the soft but firm hands of the cross which administers this training, and drugs like the art of a competent apothecary.
This resonate voice motivates some to seek a greater purpose, pursue virtue, and cultivate a humble attitude. Although it may appear to linger and the journey toward victory can be challenging, ultimately, it leads to glory and virtue.
Of course, the eloquent voice of a godly character has a clear voice that promotes godly communication creating a sense of harmony and comprehension among people who hear it.
The voice of the godly character increases the level f God quotient and serves as a light of hope in a world where words occasionally change.
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It is a real reference to the enduring power of moral integrity, spiritual discipline and consistency in one’s part of spiritual progress and not a decline.
Its beacon shines brightly and steadily in the hands of light bearers, like a torch, and even in moments of silence, its voice speaks volumes, surrounded by zest as in eternity its after effect echoes
And by its beauty, it serves as a nudge that communication is really about the character we choose to live out and project under the firm influence of the Holy Ghost,
which has the power to both buy us time and store treasures for us both in time and in eternity time. In other words, the eloquent voice of a godly character is not only about what we say, but what we say and do under God.
“Consecration is leaving off legitimate things so you can be more effective in your work with God”
Powerful, communication is not only what we say, pure and holy character speaks louder than words.
God bless you.
Communication is about the character we choose to live out and project…. this sentence stood out for me.
I’m blessed by this writeup, thank you 🙏
You re welcome .